Eating well while travelling

I do a fair amount of travelling, whether for work or pleasure. Over the years, I’ve learnt travelling can easily lay aside the best set intentions when it comes to your nutrition. With a little bit of will power and determination, staying healthy and eating well while travelling is achievable – even if you’re eating out all the time.

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Tips for eating alone

Whether you are single, travelling solo or eating away from home, it's often no fun eating out alone. I have had my fair share of independent dining experiences. Some great, others not so great. I wanted to share my top tips for surviving when eating alone.

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Catering for a gluten free friend

"I'm on a gluten free diet" This simple sentence from a potential dinner guest can trigger fear to someone unfamiliar with gluten free cooking. If you've got a friend who has coeliac disease or has to eat a gluten free diet, it might be a challenge to know what to feed them if it's not something you're particularly familiar with. Here's a few gluten free staples (and luxuries) that you might want to think about keeping in your pantry cupboard to make it easier next time they pop by unexpectedly for dinner.

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Diagnosing Coeliac Disease

Do you think gluten doesn't agree with you? If so, you may be 1 in 70 Australians who have Coeliac Disease. Bloating, tummy troubles, constant tiredness, headaches, nutritional deficiencies and infertility can be symptoms that indicate a number of conditions. However before self-diagnosing yourself with a gluten intolerance, cutting it out of your life and going gluten free, make sure you get tested for coeliac disease first.

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How Recipe Boxes & Meal Delivery Services can help with your nutrition goals

When it comes to improving your health, making changes to what you eat can have a huge impact. When time is limited, recipe boxes and meal delivery services can go a long way in kickstarting and supporting new nutrition habits.

A much more nutritious alternative to your standard takeaway, I often will recommend meal delivery services or recipe boxes to my clients as a sports dietitian.

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Gaining weight healthily

While most people out there are actively trying to lose weight, there are a number of people who struggle to gain or even maintain a stable weight - be it due to illness, an overactive metabolism or stress. Rather than filling up on chips, biscuits and chocolate I've got a few suggestions here for energy dense foods that can be include to help gain weight healthily.

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