High protein plant based diets for muscle growth and recovery

As long as your plant based or vegan diet is high in protein, it can be just as effective for muscle gain and recovery as a mixed diet. The key factor is that you need to eat enough plant protein overall spread out regularly throughout each meal to achieve at least 1.6g.kg.

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Supersapiens nutrition tips: What I learned from a month continuous glucose monitoring as a sports dietitian

Over the past month I have used Supersapiens continuous glucose monitor to learn what happens to my blood glucose levels so I can better advise my athletes using it. While running a busy sports nutrition clinic, I train an average 14h of cycling, 300km a week. Here’s what I learned and the nutrition tips I recommend for anyone starting to use Supersapiens.

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The negative effects of overtraining

Many endurance athletes feel like they aren't doing enough training and try to constantly squeeze in another session to gain that extra training benefit. There's a fine balance between overreaching and overtraining. One pushes you and gets you stronger and fitter, the other can leave your performance in shreds resulting in injury and time off training. Here's my experience of what happened when I was intentionally overtrained as part of a research study.

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Gemma Sampson