This vs That - Mars bar vs protein bar


What does a mars bar and protein bar have in common?

Both are small volume weighing around 50g a serve and on average provide 200-250kcal.

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Obviously the macronutrient profile is different, but quite often I see people using proteins bars as snacks or 'healthy alternatives' to the chocolate that they actually want to eat, then going to eat the chocolate as well.

Energy wise they are very similar!

If you want to eat chocolate, eat the chocolate you want, mindfully. There is a place for it to fit within any diet if you want it to. It all comes back to portion sizes and frequency.

Secondly, do you need it? Chances are that unless you are training multiple times a day, the protein from a meal or whole-food snack will be sufficient.

Getting your protein from a whole food source will be more filling in the long run too - meaning you’re less likely to be reaching for another snack an hour or two later.

Small changes make big differences.

Taking out a 200kcal protein bar that you don't need might help you move from a state of maintenance to deficit (or vice versa) to help you to make progress towards your goals.




Gemma Sampson RD APD

If you’re interested in nutrition coaching to ensure you get the most out of your training and performance, book an online sports nutrition consultation to get you on the path to success.

Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.

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