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This vs That - Iron in steak vs spinach
That's a lot of spinach Popeye was eating to get his iron! A standard palm sized piece of steak (110g raw) has approximately 1.8mg of iron. To get the same amount from spinach, its a whole dinner plate worth at 170g!
This vs That - baked beans
Beans are a pretty common plant based protein food choice. They are very nutritious BUT when it comes to protein they actually contain almost three times as much carbohydrate as they do protein.
Know your portion sizes
Are you underestimating your portion sizes? Most people do. In my experience as an advanced sports dietitian, the average person underestimates what they eat each day by 500-1000kcal! Take the piece of bread I ate for breakfast yesterday...
This vs That - Chocolate
With little individually wrapped chocolates it's easy to eat them mindlessly not paying attention to how quickly they add up over time. It’s far better to incorporate a piece or two or one individual chocolate on daily basis as part of your every day nutrition plan, rather than to eat the whole block in one day on top of your normal food intake.
This vs That - Mars bar vs protein bar
What does a mars bar and protein bar have in common? Both are small volume weighing around 50g a serve and on average provide 200-250kcal.
This vs That - Glass of wine versus a bottle of wine
Low carb it may be, but every gram of alcohol in your wine provides 7 calories. Meaning if you drink a bottle of wine on the regular you’re adding an extra 500kcal to your energy intake. Thats the same as 100g or chocolate or 2kg broccoli.
Cheese as a source of protein
Do you use cheese as a source of protein? While a standard serve of cheese is approximately 30g, to get at least 20g of protein you need to eat over 80g providing more than 300kcal in energy.
This vs That - Halloumi portions
Spot the portion difference between the halloumi salad on the left (1/2 a pack) and the right (full pack). It may not look it, but there’s almost a 350kcal difference between the two!
Peanut butter as a source of protein
Peanut butter is NOT an effective source of protein. Peanut butter is delicious, but it is not smart to use it as your main source of plant protein unless your goal is to gain weight.
This vs That - Potato vs Sweet Potato
Why are sweet potatoes considered 'good' while the humble white potato gets a bad rap? Sweet potatoes contain more vitamin A and have a higher carb and sugar content (as the name implies) but overall nutritionally they are very similar when you look at the bigger picture of what you eat on a daily basis.