This vs That - Potato vs Sweet Potato


Why are sweet potatoes considered 'good' while the humble white potato gets a bad rap?


Sweet potatoes contain more vitamin A and have a higher carb and sugar content (as the name implies) but overall nutritionally they are very similar when you look at the bigger picture of what you eat on a daily basis.

All too often I see people being scared of eating potatoes and cutting out carbs unnecessarily. Both are fantastic foods to include in your every day diet. Just like everything it comes down to your portion sizes (and what you put on top!).

100g of cooked potato (about a closed fist size) will provide about 20-25g of carbohydrate.

Adding some potato to your meals - whether it's roasted on a salad at lunch or baked on the side with some meat or fish at dinner provides a nourishing and filling source of carbs that will help minimise any feelings of the munchies in the afternoon or evening.

They can even make a tasty, portable training snack on the bike. Give me a small roasted sweet potato over a gel any day!




Gemma Sampson APD

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Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.

What's the best diet for athletes?


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