This vs That - Chocolate
With little individually wrapped chocolates it's easy to eat them mindlessly not paying attention to how quickly they add up over time.
While one lindt ball is about 80kcal of chocolately goodness, eating 8 is 100g of chocolate (a whole block) and will add over 500kcal to your day!
This isn't to say never eat chocolate (far from it), more to think about how you might be able to make a small change to reduce your overall intake on a daily, weekly, monthly basis in a way you can sustain without feeling deprived.
It’s far better to incorporate a piece or two or one individual chocolate on daily basis as part of your every day nutrition plan, rather than to eat the whole block in one day on top of your normal food intake.
Small changes help make long term big results.
Gemma Sampson RD APD
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