Are you losing training days because of Low Energy Availability?

Did you know that if we have low energy availability we are 3x more likely to have to take time off training due to illness?

That could mean about 3 weeks lost training throughout the year due to injury or delayed recovery - and that's not even considering the higher risk of stress fractures and bone breaks.

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Improving bone health as a female athlete

As a female athlete it's important to consider what we eat before and after training to protect our bone health, reduce risk of injury and time off training and competition. Here's two easy ways female athletes can improve bone health with diet.

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10 reasons why you should see a sports dietitian

You don't have to be an elite or professional athlete to benefit from nutrition support and advice. Here's 10 reasons why you should see a Sports Dietitian to get the most out of your cycling and triathlon training.

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