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Diagnosing Coeliac Disease
Do you think gluten doesn't agree with you? If so, you may be 1 in 70 Australians who have Coeliac Disease. Bloating, tummy troubles, constant tiredness, headaches, nutritional deficiencies and infertility can be symptoms that indicate a number of conditions. However before self-diagnosing yourself with a gluten intolerance, cutting it out of your life and going gluten free, make sure you get tested for coeliac disease first.
Testing for coeliac disease and gluten intolerance
Many people who believe they have issues with gluten or wheat products self-diagnose and start a gluten free diet without having being first tested for coeliac disease. Before you cut gluten out of your life, if you believe gluten is a problem for you, go get tested properly for coeliac disease.