Cycling - Female - Gluten-free - Infographics - Mindset - Plant-based - Racing - Triathlon -
Why I won't recommend 1200kcal diets for female athletes as a sports dietitian
Why I won't recommend female athletes follow 1200-1600kcal diets as a sports dietitian. Whether it is intentional or not, low energy availability is no joke when it comes to your health, performance and body composition.
Tracking your menstrual cycle as a female athlete
If you aren't already, I HIGHLY encourage you to start recording your menstrual cycle to help understand the unique patterns and challenges that you experience and how they can influence your food choices and intake.
Female cycling nutrition masterclass
If you are a female cyclist who wants to avoid these top 3 nutrition mistakes and learn more about how to fuel around your training for better health, recovery, body composition and performance, then this masterclass is for you!
Improving bone health as a female athlete
As a female athlete it's important to consider what we eat before and after training to protect our bone health, reduce risk of injury and time off training and competition. Here's two easy ways female athletes can improve bone health with diet.