Cycling - Female - Gluten-free - Infographics - Mindset - Plant-based - Racing - Triathlon -
Reviewing a sports dietitians 7 day food diary
One of the first steps I have all clients do before we start working together is to complete a thorough food, mood and training diary of their current nutritional intake to establish a baseline.
Peanut butter as a source of protein
Peanut butter is NOT an effective source of protein. Peanut butter is delicious, but it is not smart to use it as your main source of plant protein unless your goal is to gain weight.
This vs That - Potato vs Sweet Potato
Why are sweet potatoes considered 'good' while the humble white potato gets a bad rap? Sweet potatoes contain more vitamin A and have a higher carb and sugar content (as the name implies) but overall nutritionally they are very similar when you look at the bigger picture of what you eat on a daily basis.
This vs That - Haribo vs Energy Gels
Haribo vs energy gels. Which would you choose?
Did you know that 25g of Haribo provides pretty much the same energy and carbs as a gel? Perhaps not the most ideal food to be snacking on while watching Netflix!
The health benefits of psyllium
Psyllium is a natural plant that has many health benefits for bowel health, heart health and can improve the texture of gluten free baking. Here are some reasons why you should be incorporating psyllium into your daily diet.
Surviving lockdown and working from home
Lockdown life isn't easy when you're trying to work and be productive. Trust me. What started with 14 days here in Girona has turned into 37 days of total lockdown being stuck indoors, with no clear release in sight. Here's my advice on how to survive lockdown, work from home and be relatively productive without going (too) crazy.
How to eat your meals slowly and more mindfully
How quickly are you eating your meals? We've all been there where we started snacking on something mindlessly and before we realised it the whole packet is gone. Ignorance is bliss... but it can be seriously underminding us.
10 reflections working as a dietitian for 10 years
With over 10 years experience working as a dietitian, I reflect upon some of the key things I have learnt over the years both personally and professionally.
Career tips for new graduate dietitians
One of the most frequent questions I receive from newly graduated dietitians, or those in their final year of study is for advice on how to get ahead and get that first job. Here are some of my top tips and pieces of career advice for new dietitians.
The Eatwell Guide debate: Time for change.
When the Eatwell guide (previously the Eatwell plate) was relaunched, to say I was unimpressed is probably an understatement. Here I discuss a few of the reasons why I feel it's time to leave the Eatwell plate behind and focus our energies and attentions elsewhere to inspire change.
Measuring energy requirements - Resting Metabolic Rate
Energy requirements are calculated by combining resting metabolic rate (RMR) together with an activity factor which measures how active you are. The more active you are, the more energy your body requires on top of RMR. Even if you are fairly sedentary, your body will still require additional energy to walk around, sit, stand, digest food and many other things.
Garcinia Cambogia - is it really a miracle weight loss supplement?
Garcinia Cambogia supplements come with some major claims, but is it really a miracle weight loss supplement?
Does a gluten free diet help weight loss?
It's becoming increasingly popular to go gluten free to try lose a few kilos. But is it the gluten specifically or other factors causing any shift on the scales?