Mindset, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson Mindset, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson

36. Let go of your attachment to the outcome. Three life lessons from 2023

What life lessons have  you learned this year? Can you see ways in which you have grown and developed and changed?

I have recently been reading over some journals and diaries that I have kept over the past 10 years or so and it has been so encouraging to me to see the ways in which I have changed, grown and also seen visions and dreams of my life come into fruition.

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Ask a Sports Dietitian, Cycling Gemma Sampson Ask a Sports Dietitian, Cycling Gemma Sampson

34. Do you need a protein supplement or is real food good enough?

Protein is good stuff and is often overlooked by many of the cyclists and clients I work with. But does that mean I recommend cyclists use protein supplements or first try to get everything from food? Not at all! Sometimes I’ve found clients using protein bars as a less tasty chocolate bar substitute when a real food option would be much more filling.

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Cycling, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson Cycling, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson

25. Ten reasons why you should see a sports dietitian (even if you aren’t a professional athlete)

Have you ever wanted to get support with your nutrition but ruled yourself out because you aren't a pro athlete? Today I am talking about ten of the most common reasons I work with people as a sports dietitian- which can range from working through low energy availability and REDS to regain your menstrual cycle, creating a nourishing a plant based diet, nailing a race nutrition plan or overcoming raging hunger or need to eat all the contents of the fridge every time you ride.

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Cycling, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson Cycling, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson

24. What to do when weight loss isn't progressing the way you expect? (Ask a sports dietitian)

Are you trying to lose weight as a cyclist to improve your power to weight ratio and frustrating by the rate of progress? Jamie asks: “I am struggling to work out why I'm not making any progress with my weight loss. For some reason this morning I weighed myself and I'd put on over a kg. Why do you think this is? What am I doing wrong? “

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Podcast, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson Podcast, Ask a Sports Dietitian Gemma Sampson

17. Ask a sports dietitian: How do I stop being so fatigued after long rides?

Do you find yourself exhausted, incredibly hungry and often headachy after long cycling rides?

In today's Ask a Sports Dietitian episode Dr Gemma Sampson answers a common question: What can I do to stop being so fatigued the day after a big ride? I feel exhausted, incredibly hungry and often headaches. Hint - the clue is probably what you didn't eat in yesterday's ride!

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