Pock-it Fuel Rice Krispie Cakes
Pockit-Fuel Rice krispie cakes are an amazing ride fuel snack fuelling the professional peloton. You need to make this original Pockitfuel recipe by Lizzie Holden and Nick Schultz.
Pock-it Fuel Rice Krispie Cake Recipe
(Makes )
60g butter or coconut oil
300g marshmallows
200g Rice Krispies / Rice Bubbles
Line baking dish with baking paper.
In large saucepan melt the butter over low heat.
Add marshmallows & continue to melt together.
*If using giant marshmallows, I’d recommend cutting into smaller pieces to make melting easier.Once almost completely melted together, remove from the heat & continue to stir.
Add Rice Krispies and combine until cereal is fully coated.
*Using a low heat and removing from heat before adding Rice Krispies helps to prevent the stale texture.Press evenly into selected baking dish.
*Use buttered/slightly wet spatula to avoid sticking.Wait until fully cooled & set before cutting into desired sizes.
Nutrition cut into 15 squares (as per recipe):
3g fat,
30g carbohydrate,
2g protein,
Train Smart. Eat Smart. Perform Better
Gemma Sampson RD APD
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