44. Your body isn’t Amazon prime. The results take more than 24 hours


If you could snap your fingers and change something about your nutrition within the next 24h, what would it be?

What's your Amazon overnight order?

How awesome would it be if we could press send and within two days (or next day even) our desired goals arrived?

When it comes to our health and nutrition, often we seem to expect lasting changes and transformation in our bodies to arrive overnight like Amazon brings our deliveries.

If only!

Reality is that our bodies don't work like that.

We need to be patient.

The results we want require time, commitment, dedication, perseverance again and again and again to push on and on and on and stick with the plan.

We want the instant results, but it's the little daily things that actually count and make the difference when it comes to changing our habits.

Whether you want to build muscle or lose weight, putting in the work, making the changes and giving it enough TIME is what will get you there.

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With weight for example, I’ve had clients who were disappointed because they were consistently losing ‘only’ 0.5 a week. But when you extrapolate that over months or years, it cumulatively can add up to major overall changes. Even if theirs are periods where the weight loss has stalled or slowed down. This is why we look for trends rather than individual weights which can be influenced by many factors.

It’s also important to recognise progress and changes and have outcomes beyond just the number you see the scale to help motivate you if the scale is static.

Reframe those little changes as wins beyond the scale.

Weight maintenance for example - many of my clients would previously have viewed no change in the scale number as a failure if their goal was to lose weight. What changes in their actions or behaviours that led to that maintenance?

However, if someone has maintained weight over the Christmas period say for the first time in their life when normally they would have gained weight, I consider that a huge success. It shows that the changes they are making to their daily habits are sticking. That they are changing the typical trajectory of gaining those few kgs.

Maintaining weight is a huge win because it’s the hardest part of weight loss - keeping it there for the long term.

Have a think about your nutrition goals this year.

Are your outcomes realistic?

Do you have multiple measures of success?

What little changes are you sticking with thick and thin that you'll be glad you kept when you look at how much has changed in 12 months time.

Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.


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