37. Using nutrition tracking as a tool not a rule


Rather than using nutrition tracking as punishment to guilt trip or shame you into action (which rarely works in the long time by the way), I like to use nutrition tracking intentionally as a tool to help you rewrite the way you eat on and off the bike.

The first step if you want improve your nutrition is get clear on what you are eating, when and why. Which is why I encourage all my clients when we first start working together or if they join my team and use my cycling nutrition framework is to do some nutrition tracking.

By getting clear on your baseline, it will raise your awareness of when and why you’re eating certain foods and help figure out the best place to make changes that suit you, your lifestyle and your training plan

Which is why nutrition tracking is there as a tool, not a rule.

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Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.


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