35. For marginal cycling games, this is a game changer! With Josh Brandwene


Fuelling your cycling is a game changer if you want to avoid the bonk!

Josh Bradwene is a cycling coach and cyclist who has made major cycling performance gains since learning my cycling nutrition framework and shaking up his nutrition approach.

He used to bonk all the time and by fuelling proactively continues to experience some of his biggest improvements in power, speed & cycling performance.

He joined my online team about six months ago and learned how to apply my cycling nutrition framework to his cycling training and racing.

He has been posting his fuelling success stories on social media so today I invited him onto the podcast to share his nutrition journey, what he has changed and why. I hope you enjoy.

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or watch on Youtube.


What stops you fuelling your training sessions?

The thing I found most interesting about what he had to share was the reasons or thoughts that historically would stop him from fuelling his training.

Even though he wasn't actively aiming to try to lose weight, he had thoughts about not needing to fuel his training because if he did he would gain weight. These are common thoughts that I find cause people to intentionally underfuel in training and racing.

It sounds counterintuitive to say eat more to lose weight, but the timing of your nutrition makes a massive difference to your energy levels, cycling performance and can lead to changes in weight and body composition that feel easy. It truly is a gamechanger, which is why I will remind you each week how important it is to do!

How long does it take you to take action?

The 2nd thing I think that is worth noting is how much time it took Josh to take action! Josh joined the team and learned my online cycling nutrition framework at least 6 months ago and did some dabbling and saw some improvement. But you heard him say how it's only been in the last 2 weeks that he has REALLY put it into action.

I see this often with my clients and is part of why I work with 1:1 clients for at least 3 months. To keep them accountable making the changes they know or want to do, but haven't been. So they can change thoughts, behaviours and get long-lasting results.

It's not an overnight fix and I have a tonne of videos that my Fuelled team members can watch that can help you pinpoint where to optimise your fuelling strategy. 

We don't get new results without trying something new or taking action.

Take Fuelled Action

This week I want to post a challenge to you to fuel a ride that you normally would avoid eating during because it's too easy or too short. Maybe its a short but intense zwift ride, maybe it's a long slow 'easy' ride.

Add a little bit more fuel and energy into that ride than you would normally do, and see if it is also a game changer for the way you feel on and off the bike.

Maybe you already 'know' to do this - but are you doing it?

Until next time. Like, subscribe and fuel your ride.



Fuel your cycling with confidence

Learn how to fuel before, during and after cycling with the Fuelled Cycling Nutrition Team for optimal body weight, recovery and performance.

Gemma Sampson

Dr Gemma Sampson is an Advanced Sports Dietitian specialising in sports nutrition for cyclists.


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